Cayuga Center for Healthy Living

The Cayuga Center for Healthy Living is an innovative, personalized, medically-based program focused on productive lifestyle changes that enhance your ability to live a full and active life.

  • Nationally certified Cardiac Rehab Program monitors patient exercise
  • Weight loss doctor talking to patient
  • Man who quit tobacco is loving life


What We Do

The Cayuga Center for Healthy Living is an innovative, personalized, medically-based program focused on productive lifestyle changes that enhance your ability to live a full and active life.

If you want to:

  • Improve health and well-being
  • Manage weight
  • Become more active
  • Learn to manage chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol
  • Learn strategies of coping with stress

At the Cayuga Center for Healthy Living (CCHL) we understand that lifestyle plays a role in prevention of many chronic conditions. More Americans than ever are turning to disease prevention and wellness promotion through lifestyle change as the best possible investment in their health.

We can help you reach your goal!

What We Offer

Co-management with your primary care provider of chronic illness.

  • Individual counseling session with our team.
  • Classes to help you develop healthier life habits
  • Follow-up clinic visits to help you stay on track
  • Referrals when appropriate

1) You benefit from change!
Certain lifestyle changes are very difficult to make on your own. We provide education, guidance, and support throughout your program to help you achieve measurable results.

2) We appreciate your uniqueness!
No two people are the same. So we work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that meets you where you are. We look at your unique situation and combination of risk factors and habits to help you succeed in meeting your health goals.

3) We collaborate!
We’re very excited to partner with Cayuga Medical CenterIsland Health & FitnessRasa Spa, and Cayuga Sports Medicine and Athletic Performance because a collaborative approach to wellness works best. We are housed together in the beautiful Island Health Center, which makes us effective and ready resources in the service of your health.

4) We are right here where you live!
Programs such as CCHL are usually only found in major metropolitan areas and large teaching hospitals. Through our relationship with Cayuga Medical Center, we can bring these services to you right here in Tompkins County.

You will meet a group of people who are passionate in their commitment to helping you. You can expect programs that work. People who have come to CCHL are making changes for the better in their lives as they progress to a new level of wellness. You can, too.

  1. You will begin with a health assessment with a medical provider who will listen to your history and learn about your concerns.
  2. You may be asked to provide us with medical records so that we can work in conjunction with your primary care provider.
  3. Together, you and the team at CCHL will develop a plan of care that will help you make the lifestyle changes you seek.

Ask your doctor about the Cayuga Center for Healthy Living to see if it’s right for you. Or call us at (607) 252-3590 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Our Collaborative Partners

One of the keys to our success in helping people achieve lifestyle change is the direct connection we offer to our collaborative partners, located in the Island Health Center. By working together, we offer a holistic approach to wellness and a powerful base of support for you. Click on photos below for more information.

Latest Wellness News

what our WELLNESS patients are saying

“The Cayuga Center for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery helped me to achieve my weight loss goal and live a healthier, active lifestyle.”
Marissa Reigle, Ithaca • NY

“The people at Cayuga Wellness Center are so positive and encouraging. That’s a big help for me because I now believe I can reach my goals. They never discourage you.”

Robb Marshal, Newfield • NY

“Everything has changed! I am constantly full of energy, I feel like a different person!”

Kristen Elrod, Ithaca • NY

“Now I have more energy and enjoy shopping for pants. I made the right decision for a healthy happy me!”

Elizabeth Short, Ithaca • NY