Cayuga Center for Healthy Living

The Cayuga Center for Healthy Living is an innovative, personalized, medically-based program focused on productive lifestyle changes that enhance your ability to live a full and active life.

Classes and Support

Ongoing Classes

Please contact CCHL for information on dates, times, fees, and registration (607) 252-3590.

Note: fees for some classes may be covered by insurance.

Diabetes Education is recognized by the American Diabetes Association and taught by a Certified Diabetes Educator together with other professional staff. Topics cover an overview of diabetes, complications, exercise, self-monitoring, medications, and nutrition.

Series of three 2-hour sessions meets each month. Call for upcoming dates and times.

Exercise Transition Program is for you if you want to start being active or have difficulty due to pain, atrial fibrillation, or other medical problems. Participants use cardiovascular equipment, hand-held weights, functional activities, and stretching. Classes are led by exercise physiologists from Island Health & Fitness. Medical clearance is needed.

Meets throughout the week.

Need help giving up tobacco?
Feel like you have tried everything and still haven’t been able to quit?
Looking for someone to talk to about it?
The tobacco cessation program at CCHL can help!

Tobacco use is a chronic health condition that often requires repeated attempts to quit. It’s a journey that takes time and patience. Research shows that support is important.

Our program offers continued support and encouragement to facilitate and maintain a tobacco-free life.

At the Cayuga Center for Healthy Living, we offer you options for quitting tobacco:

Individual quit plan: with a referral from your primary care physician, you can see a nurse practitioner and tobacco cessation specialist to help you develop an individualized plan to work on cessation.

Stay on the Right Track with the Tobacco Cessation Support Group: This FREE monthly support is for 1) individuals who are thinking about quitting; and 2) anyone working on maintaining a quit. The group helps with relapse prevention and provides you with continuous support.

While tobacco cessation is typically not covered by insurance, it is best to check with your health plan regarding coverage of your visit.

Latest Wellness News

what our WELLNESS patients are saying

“Now I have more energy and enjoy shopping for pants. I made the right decision for a healthy happy me!”

Elizabeth Short, Ithaca • NY

“The people at Cayuga Wellness Center are so positive and encouraging. That’s a big help for me because I now believe I can reach my goals. They never discourage you.”

Robb Marshal, Newfield • NY
“The Cayuga Center for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery helped me to achieve my weight loss goal and live a healthier, active lifestyle.”
Marissa Reigle, Ithaca • NY

“Everything has changed! I am constantly full of energy, I feel like a different person!”

Kristen Elrod, Ithaca • NY